Bloating and swelling can come stem from numerous factors. Here are some tips to help reduce the amount of bloating you have and ease the discomfort.
Lifestyle changes to help:
• Slow down while eating, make sure you chew multiple times before swallowing.
• Eat multiple times throughout the day. Incorporate snacks in between meals in order to prevent feeling fatigued and uncomfortably full.
• Keep a food diary to identify which foods make your bloating worse.
• Incorporate movement into your daily routine. Whether it’s walking, weight lifting, pilates or more, regular exercise can help improve digestion, reducing bloating and swelling.
What can make Bloating Worse?
• Foods high in fiber can make bloating worse. Fiber is very important but be sure to incorporate fiber into your diet SLOWLY.
• High FODMAP foods are foods that can lead up to a build up of excess gas production and bloating. Identify if these foods affect you or not when you consume them.
• Common foods that produce gas are beans, lentils, cabbage, broccoli, and onions.
• Foods containing sugar alcohols such as xylitol and sorbitol and mannitol typically in gums, candy and drinks.
• Carbonated drinks can contribute to bloating by introducing more gas into your gut.
• Food intolerances such as lactose can cause bloating
What can Help Reduce or Eliminate Bloating/Swelling?
• Consider supplementing with probiotics
• Consume more fermented foods that are rich in probiotics such as kimchi, yogurt, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, and tempeh.
• Add more ginger into your diet or make ginger tea. This can help move gas along the digestive tract.
• Drink at least 30-60 oz of water per day to prevent constipation
• Try peppermint tea or capsules. This may help reduce bloating and discomfort associated with gas and bloating.