Counselling for individuals ready to make a change in their health!


Pediatric Nutrition

Health at Every Size

Digestive Health

Diabetes Management

Sports Nutrition

Weight Management

Intuitive & Disordered Eating

Childhood and Family Nutrition


Nourishing the Next Generation: Kid-Friendly Nutrition Starts Here!

  • Tailored Plans for Every Age!
  • Helping Kids Thrive with Healthy Eating!
  • Personalized Dietitian Guidance for Young Lives.
  • Turning Picky Eaters into Happy Eaters
  • Focused on Kids’ Health: Professional Nutrition Counseling for Growing Children
  • Expert Dietitian Care for Your Little Ones' Growing Needs
  • Making Healthy Eating a Kid’s Favorite Game
  • Making Fruits and Veggies Exciting for Kids!

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Live Nourished Today recognizes “Health at Every Size” as a legitimate treatment tactic that is beneficial for people of all backgrounds and afflictions looking to improve their nutrition. If you’re unfamiliar with Health at Every Size or (HAES) as it’s commonly abbreviated, the concept arose as a way to counteract the idea that health can only exist at a specific size or weight. Today, many nutritionists including myself believe that health is not automatically determined by size, nor is size always an indicator of general wellbeing.

 HAES is particularly helpful for those who are recovering from eating disorders, as eating disorders rely on the misperception of the mind to thrive. HAES helps those who are suffering understand that weight gain is not an inherent negative. Moreover, many people of all sizes often avoid seeing a nutritionist or dietitian because they believe the primary function of the service is to get them down to the lowest weight possible. At Live Nourished Today, we do not abide by this idea, nor believe that health is categorized solely by numbers. Should a client wish to address weight loss as a part of their treatment program, there are ways to safely navigate such a discussion with respect and compassion. However, clients will never be pressured into conforming to fit a specific size.

Fair Treatments for All

Live Nourish Today is a weight inclusive facility, which means all sizes and shapes are welcome. I also acknowledge the inherent bias in the industry that comes with bodies of a larger size. Ultimately, the clinic does not recognize one shape or size as superior, and all clients in my care will receive fair non-biased treatment.

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Nutrition Based on Trust and Intuition

Intuitive Eating is yet another concept that rose to popularity following the criticism of antiquated and outdated methods such as calorie counting and strict monitoring. Research continually indicates that while crash diets are often effective in dropping weight quickly, the recidivism rate for gaining back all of the lost weight is high.

 Essentially, intuitive eating teaches clients to learn and listen to the organic hunger cues of their bodies. Whereas calorie counting and other measuring systems are more concerned with keeping your intake at a very specific number. While these types of diets might be effective in short-term goal fulfillment, they do not teach people how to eat based on the natural rhythm of their bodies. On the contrary, intuitive eating teaches clients to learn how to differentiate certain pains from one another.  

Many nutritionists have since adapted intuitive eating into their services as the benefits are widespread. One of the primaries is, that intuitive eating helps individuals reestablish trust and communication with their bodies. It can be a great way to learn how to read the messages of your body and start to listen to those instinctual feelings in your gut.

A Rejection of Diets

Intuitive eating has become popular with nutritionists largely because its very nature rejects many of the pillars of traditional diets. Intuitive eating is not centralized on cutting out specific food groups, nor is it concerned with making moral judgments on specific foods. Intuitive eating is rather geared towards mindfulness and making informed choices. Living Nourished Today offers comprehensive education surrounding intuitive eating and is one of the primary nutritional “plans” offered.

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Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. Your body breaks down most of the food you eat into glucose.

Sports Nutrition

The main role of sports nutrition is to support the training program. Dietary intake for performance will change as the training regime changes.

Digestive Health

Good digestive health allows the body to properly break down food and absorb nutrients to keep the body healthy.

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The first step in counseling is talking. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what's preventing you from living your healthiest life.

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