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How to Maintain a Healthy diet during the Holidays

Have a snack before going to a function

Having something small before going to a party is a good tactic to prevent yourself from overeating. Typically at parties or holiday events, there are not usually the healthiest options but that is totally okay, because you don't need to restrict yourself. But if you eat something small before you go to the party, you're less likely to overindulge and more likely to take just enough to feel good after. If you restrict yourself from eating all day because you're waiting to indulge at the party, this will only lead to you being more likely to overeat, resulting in a stomach ache, and potentially food guilt. Additionally, you will have less of the opportunity to choose from healthier options that you can make before coming to the party. 

Eat the foods you want, but have smaller portions

There is no need to restrict yourself from the food that you enjoy eating, especially around a time that should bring lots of joy. Embrace and enjoy the holidays, use these tips to guide you, not restrict you. In order to feel better, keep the portion sizes of the foods that may not make you feel great to a minimum. Give yourself full permission to have that pumpkin pie, or that piece of ham but consider having a small piece of it. By decreasing the portion sizes of certain foods instead of restricting yourself completely, this will allow you to embrace the delicious flavors, and enjoy your holiday season while helping you maintain your diet and progress that you've made. This will prevent you from feeling like your holiday was ruined because you missed out on all the food. 

Have a balanced plate 

Reach for the fruits and veggies at the party. When you look at your plate, try to aim for your plate to be 50% full with fruits and vegetables. Aim to consume lean proteins such as chicken, fish, turkey, or beans. Make sure there's various colors on your plate. Having a colorful plate can indicate that you are consuming lots of vitamins and minerals. 

Eat mindfully 

When you eat, slow down and savor each bite of the food that you are eating. Don’t worry about finishing all what's on your plate, rather focus on your hunger cues to tell you when your body has had enough food for nourishment. 

Go Easy on the Alcohol

Too much alcohol can put lots of stress on the body- physically and mentally. Instead of overdoing it and regretting it the next day, swap it out for some sparkling water, soda water, apple cider, or fresh juice. Cocktails tend to have lots of added sugar and fat to it, which can hinder your health so reducing the amount you consume with some refreshing soda water can be a great balance. 

Stay active 

The holidays are thought of as a happy, enjoyable time of year but it can be stressful. Don’t forget to incorporate exercise into your routine to help manage the stress leading up to the holiday. In addition to exercise helping manage stress, it's another important part of health. The holidays can get busy but be sure to find some time to take a walk or take a fun exercise class with your friends and family. 

Don't overly restrict yourself 

Get rid of labeling food as “good” or “bad” and enjoy the holiday food. If you tell yourself not to have a certain food, you will end up craving it more and more, until you end up overindulging. To prevent this, get rid of judgment and “food rules.” Focus on nourishing yourself while practicing gentle nutrition with the tips above. 

There are plenty of new recipes added to our website under the tab “
Recipes” that includes healthy yet delicious holiday recipes that you can use to maintain a healthy diet during this time of year! 

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